Sharing Ilmu

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Month: August 2023

Spanning Tree Protocol (Root, Designated, Alternate Port)

Hello everyone, in previous article I have discuss about Spanning Tree Root Bridge.  And in this article I’ll continue to discuss about Spanning Tree Protocol for Root Port, Designated port and Alternate port. Root Port After the root bridge has been determined, the STA algoritm is used to select the root port. Every non root

Spanning Tree Protocol – Root Bridge

Hello Everyone,  in this article we’ll discuss about root bridge on spanning tree protocol. Root bridge are used for reference point for all path calculations on STP. So All of switch that connected are select layer 2 connection to the root bridge.  Switch exchange BPDUs to build loop-free topology is beginning with selecting a Root

Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Concept

Hello Everyone, in this article I’ll discuss about STP. What is STP ? Spanning Tree Protocol is a Loop-prevention network protocol that allows for redudancy while create a loop-free Layer 2 topology. STP logically block the physical loops in the layer network to preventing frame from cirling the network forvefer. Impact from loops it will